About Me~AdrianCCSenG

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Pandan Indah, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Clinging on the belief of being persistence proves its worthiness. Age: 19 UTAR -Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (Y1)


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Woe and sorrow

Witnessing but not questioning was the worst thing I ever did...
The demolition towards fear is needed

Unable to acknowledge the present as I reminisce with remorse and penitence of how the past was gaiety and glee
Contemplating ways to retrieve
Contemplating ways to mend, may it be stitches by stitches, as long as the result will be wondrous or even miraculous

The endeavor of recalling and rebuilding the past would be the worst of my imbecility erred
Perhaps I shall learn the way to appreciate it in a different way as if every connection is unique and the interaction between may differ...yet the exchanges of mirth, they ail me

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dread of omission

My inadvertence is unintentional. But, oddly, my dread of omission can only be found within you
Perhaps I had witnessed how it slays hearts of many. Perhaps I had experienced the misery and yet it traumatizes me...

The fear grows from time to time, haunting me in my slumber, tricking my consciousness yet leaving a trail within